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“LP debut of the Dutch vocalist Janneke van der Putten. Her voice emerges from deeper grounds, shaping the acoustic aura of architectural and natural spaces, exploring the limits of vocal techniques through site specific performances. Becoming siren, becoming storm, a rose of resonance for a new world.
Music and performance by Janneke van der Putten, except where indicated. All tracks are one-take recordings without electronic effects or overdubs. Artwork design by Margarita Milova (@mares_llamas). Inner sleeve quote by Jelena Vuksanovic. Photos by Gabriëlle Barros Martins. Artistic and sound production by Sajjra Xhrs Galarreta.

A1. Attacked and over-tuned
Recorded live (ambisonic) and mixed (binaural) by Tom Mays in the electroacoustic studios of the Haute École des Arts du Rhin (HEAR), Strasbourg, 27.01.2020
A2. In cycles
Recorded live by Armand Lesecq at Le Cube / HEAR, Strasbourg, 20.01.2020
B1. Voice and Space I
(ft. backing vocals by Anaïs Barbier)
Recorded live by Mehdi Hivert at Château d’Eau de Wesserling, Husseren-Wesserling, 9.11.2019
B2. Acoustic reflections of one voice in a church
(ft. music composition by Sajjra Xhrs Galarreta)
Recorded and composed live by Sajjra Xhrs Galarreta at Sankt Gertrud church / Raumklänge – Ortsbezogene Musik, Cologne, 7.08.2015
play at 33 1/3 rpm”