Extrakte 1980​-​1984

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Rosa Extra branched out from Der Schwarze Kanal, probably the earliest proto-punk incarnation of East Berlin. As a “Singeklub Punk Band” Der Schwarze Kanal confronted the GDR singing movement, which was propagated in competition with Western-style beat, with its systemic cheerfulness and depressing belief in the future. Rosa Extra’s contempt for the system also manifested itself in the aesthetic rededication of a thoroughly deconstructed understanding of art in the GDR. No other punk band stood so clearly in a literary tradition as Rosa Extra. The band’s punk components consisted less of radical dissidence and more of chronic rage. As essential as the battle cries of other punk bands were to the movement, Rosa Extra’s poetry pogo was not aimed at demonstrative protest. Rosa Extra preferred to use texts by poets who were friends of the band; for poetry to become song again. 

The vibrations emanating from Rosa Extra eventually resulted in a multitude of bands and projects, the likes of which hardly any other underground band can boast, namely Hard Pop, Aufruhr zur Liebe, Ornament & Verbrechen and Corp Cruid. Almost all of them were part of an anti-social(ist) canon whose radicalism represented nothing more than a countercultural consistency combined with subcultural competence.

A1. Auf Dieser Seite Des Grabes
A2. Sofadecken Platzpatronen
A3. Einsam Bist Du Sehr Alleine
A4. Mit’m Bock Auf Nichts
A5. Sowjetfrau
A6. Voodoo Rap
A7. Kaufhalle Schlange Stehen
A8. Grau
B1. Gefühlslalom
B2. Ich Fühle Mich In Grenzen Wohl
B3. Gegen Verführung
B4. Was Dir Meine Waschmaschine Ist Mir Deine Schleuder
B5. Wer Singt Heute Schon Die Lieder Von Morgen
B6. Ärsche Setzen Sich Durch
B7. Das Ich Erflieg, Was Ich Erlüg