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“This creation consists of several tracks, ranging in style and duration. It started with an experimentation with sounds, trying to see the possibility of sounds carrying meaning while avoiding falling into traps of aesthetics or musical styles and forms. With this awareness, I worked on different themes like pleasure, or loosing hope, or ideas as being idle and waking up to life. Creating new sounds was a necessity, and therefore I experimented a lot with noise, recording different noises and sounds from objects, machines, places, and musical instruments, then processing all of it together to create new sounds, and then weaving them the way one would orchestrate for instruments. I would like to think of the several tracks created for “Music for a Small Room” as a text rather than a musical creation. My attempt here was a conscious construction of meaning while using sounds instead of words. This was first performed in Studio Incident #1 organised by Hassan Khan, Sep 2005.”