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“This album, Repeat’s first (it predates Temporary Contemporary, released by For 4 Ears the same year), is quite different than the group or their individual members’ later efforts. The CD is comprised of 14 short pieces (49 minutes total), each focused on a single idea, well-developed in the studio. Toshimaru Nakamura had not yet discovered the no-input mixing board. He is heard here on guitar, effects, and sampling. The duo’s music retains elements of rock and jazz, but they are so exhaustively filtered that the only remaining element is a beat. The addition of acoustic drumming to electronic free improv could have been disastrous, but instead it works convincingly. Kahn’s agility gives the listener something to focus on amidst the layers of loops and textures (in “Taidan Keishiki?,” for instance). Encountering joyous free improv of this nature is a rare event. The musicians don’t bury themselves in abstract concepts nor do they refrain from enjoying the act of creation. Compared to Kahn and Nakamura’s stripped-down, microsonic approach ready to boot two years later, Repeat sounds refreshing in the most charming, adolescent way.”