No Need To Be Lonesome

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“The first solo album release from Martin Siewart is a loose limbed (but flocculent) collection of Sunny-D electronics and live instrumentation which the man himself describes as “pop music, to a certain degree…”. Opening with the slow build electronica of ‘Just When We Thought It Was Safe’, Siewert appears to have left his more abstract days behind as swirly digital fuzz and sharp cornered beats conspire to produce a sound not unlike that of Radiohead’s ‘Kid A’. Yet just when you thin you can see where it’s going Siewart gets down to some jiggery pokery and demolishes the whole thing from within, slowly reintroducing elements until you bow out with a Theremin on one side and click and splutter debris below. From here we are moved to the barebones production of ‘Attraktor’ where flourishes of tight coiled rhythm bring to mind a less whimsical Minotaur Shock or a tipsy Donnacha Costello – it depends where you’re looking from. Closing with the decadent atmospherics of ‘Any Other Way to Go?’, Siewert lets stuff fizz, things pop and rhythms grumble as he closes with 14 minutes of bleeping clunktronica.”