Massimo Mort Aux Vaches

Artist: Massimo
Format: CD
Genre: Noise
SKU: 11161 Categories: ,

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27 years old, computer expert, specialist in hardware for a Canadian firm, the Catanese Massimiliano Sapienza, assumed name Massimo, started out in ’99 with the release of two successive CDs on the Staalplaat label (Massimo (on Microwave) and Minimo! (on Staalplaat), which led him to be termed, a little prematurely, as one of the so-called “microwavers”. A wide range of collaborations (Kozo lnada, Pita, Dat Politics, etc.), gigs around Europe, participation in anthologies (such as the box Invalid Object Series from Fallt) and remix (for Epic/Sony he distorted in spoof nightmare rhythms Run Christian Run by Super Furry Animals), brought him in record time to the attention of intenders as a laptop artist (and desktop), able to express himself in a language also very distant from the conceptual minimalism of glitch. In this vein the long track recorded live in Amsterdam for the well known series Mort Aux Vaches seems to be a kind of homage to the most brutal of power electronics, extorting from the computer chaotic fibrillations and tempestuous pulses worthy of the most exhausting Merzbow. No less corrosive the 3″ CD on Mego, 20″ plus, with “politically incorrect” title and cover (here’s one: Microsound and glitch & cuts can only lick my Mafia ass!) where industrial-digital rage is fragmented in short and violent rhythmic assaults, amidst unusual resonance which Tigerbeat6 may not have been displeased about. Even if the two records have more the aspect of a muscle show than artistically complete works, there is all the potential to envisage a future not lacking in satisfaction. That is if Massimo doesn’t get tired of his sound “hobby” and consider it more interesting to dedicate his time to satellite hacking or deep sea fishing.
Vittore Baroni – RUMORE – December 2001
Lasercut cover by Staalplaat