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Breizhiselad is an attempt to rewrite masterpieces of traditional music from Lower Brittany. Apart from a few sound recordings, the material of this record consists entirely of extracts of two songs from the A-side of a 25cm disc from the 50s or 60s. The recording is mono, reissue (augmented?) of a 78t released in the 40s.
The genealogy of this project begins with the discovery of this disc by a Breton cousin, Thibault Le Guillou, at his grandmother’s house. From the first listen, I found this recording both great and horrible. Horrible by the arrangements of the catechism choral music type, and brilliant by the beauty of the melody and the conviction that the singers put in. Another particularity is the importance of support. The source vinyl is almost erased by dint of having been listened to too much, as if polished, abraded under a sea of cracks.