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16.8x24cm, 104 pages, b/w, in Finnish (with English translations), softcover, 2015.

The coexistence of animals and humans usually boils down to humans killing animals. Sometimes it also happens the other way around. The six graphic novels in Eeva Meltio’s debut debut depict human impotence, longing and harsh encounters with animals. The stories have in common what the creatures have in common: cruelty, weakness and selfishness. Eeva Meltio (b. 1977) is a Helsinki-based cartoonist, illustrator and graphic designer. His background is in performance art, but for the last five years he has been making comics. Meltio is interested in depictions of moments and moods and what small, everyday situations reveal about us as people. He has previously self-published small magazines and the communal comic anthology Eleven. Beasts is Eeva Meltio’s debut work.