Humo Y Espejos

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“Starting as a de facto studio project his songs have slowly matured, in cassettes and limited editions, until reaching a new level with the edition of this first LP “Humo y Espejos” (Smoke and Mirrors), which will be released on early 2018. As his live shows have multiplied he has perfected a language that bastardizes the legacy of Birthday Party and the No Wave with the deconstructed noise-rock of Sightings on top of rhythms with an industrial but heterodox flavour. On top of this he spits lyrics who intertwine the personal with the surreal and that often reference to a sometimes blurry, longed or traumatic past.”

Music by Caramuerto.
Recorded and mixed by Cristian Pallejà at Caballo Grande studio.
Mastered by Javier Roldón at Vacuum Mastering.
Artwork and design: Aina Climent.

A1. 7 am
A2. 1929
A3. Nana
A4. Mejor la Lluvia
A5. Domingo Por la Mañana
A6. Los Felices Años 20
A7. Arena
A8. Luna Llena
B1. Arde
B2. Jack
B3. Culebreando
B4. El Hombre Gris
B5. Aquel Invierno
B6. La Hora Del Lobo
B7. A Oscuras
B8. Niños Perdidos