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Vinyl 12″, limited Edition of 230 copies, microwaved chromolux covers.

“MARIO DE VEGA (Mexico City, 1979) : De Vega constructs systems and situations that investigate connections between the living and the inert, exploring space and time in terms of both performance and history. In 2013, in the former headquarters of the Spanish Inquisition in Mexico City, he simulated the phenomena of natural vibration using the frequency resonance of the space. He reconsiders their stability and their failure, via documentation, sculpture and attention to process.
Thermal is part of an on-going research about vulnerability, molecular irritation, high frequency reception, and electromagnetic activity amplification. These themes are at the core of this audio-visual event in which microwaves are used to modify the molecular composition of different materials. During the process, electromagnetic activity and high frequency fluctuations produced by the manipulation of microwaves are amplified and exhibited as a monolithic structure composed by arrangements of conductive and non-conductive materials placed inside microwave ovens, custom hardware based on logarithmic detectors, transducers, light sensitive devices and amplifiers.”

Side A – 15’05 Recorded at Kleylehof, Austria by noid 2011
Side B – 21’06 Recorded at Moscow, Russia by Victor Mazon 2010

Text by Erik Minkkinen
Interview by Régine Debatty