Sounds Of Iceland

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“This recording takes you on a round trip of Iceland. The aural journey starts westward from the island’s south in the cold early spring. After a side trip into the West Fjords, our route traverses the north of the country at the height of summer, followed by an excursion into the interior highlands before a short stop in the East Fjords. As the sound trip nears its geographical starting point, autumn and winter make their appearance before the journey comes full circle.

The recordings do not feature human-derived sounds.”

1. South

0.00 – 1.45 Strokkur geyser, Haukadalur
1.46 – 3.15 Hot springs, Haukadalur
3.16 – 7.04 Grímsnes lava field
7.05 – 8.11 Hot spring in Reykjadalur valley in Hengill geothermal area

2. South West

0.00 – 2.55 Urriðakotshellir cave, Heiðmörk Nature Reserve
2.56 – 3.47 Gjáarétt, outside Urriðakotshellir cave, Heiðmörk Nature Reserve
3.48 – 5.19 Stream near Lake Elliðavatn, Reykjavík
5.20 – 6.28 Eiðsvík cove near Geldinganes causeway island, Reykjavík

3. West

0.00 – 1.52 Hraunfossar waterfalls and River Hvítá
1.53 – 2.24 Deildartunguhver hot spring
2.25 – 4.49 Húsafell area
4.55 – 7.59 Surtshellir cave

4. Westfjords

0.00 – 3.38 Barðaströnd coast
3.41 – 5.19 Látrabjarg bird cliff
5.20 – 7.31 Near Galtarviti lighthouse

5. North

0.00 – 1.50 Goðafoss waterfall
1.51 – 2.52 Lake Mývatn
2.53 – 4.50 Hot springs in Námaskarð geothermal field
4.51 – 5.56 Dettifoss waterfall

6. Highland Plateau

0.00 – 1.53 Near Mt Laugarfell

7. From East to South

0.00 – 1.03 Klifbrekkufossar waterfalls, Mjóifjörður fjord
1.04 – 2.30 Sólheimajökull glacier
2.31 – 3.03 Gullfoss waterfall
3.04 – 4.11 Strokkur geyser, Haukadalur valley