Hedoromeruhen 2

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HEDOROMERUHEN is the duo of Daisuke Ichiba (Le Dernier Cri) and Yasutoshi Yoshida (aka Government Alpha).

Track List:
1.ライララライ Lai La la Lai [2:43]
2.性欲の向こう側 Beyond The Sexual Desire [4:45]
3.華と光 Sinter and Light [5:08]
4.無我 Selflessness [3:58]
5.巡り会い Chance Meetin [1:30]
6.北からの女 The Woman Comes From North [4:18]
7.トロピカリック Tropicalic [2:20]
8.ベストロメン Bestromen [1:46]
9.ワン・チャンの店 Wang Chang’s Shop [2:36]
10.夕凪 Evening Calm [0:53]
11.明日、病院に行ってきます。I Will Go to A Hospital Tomorrow. [4:20]
12.トロッコ Truck [5:00]
13.ラミレスは死なない Ramirez is Not Dead master [7:41]

Total Running Time : 47:04

Daisuke Ichiba
Vocal, Talk, Guitars, Fue, Toys, Piano, Organ, Synthesizer, 笛

Yasutoshi Yoshida
Vocal, Talk, Guitars, Electoronics, Synthesizer

produced by Hedoromeruhen
recorded at xerxes studio during November 2013 – May 2014