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“Kling Film is a subdivision of Cling Film, a record label from Belgium with a lot of organisational potential (they do concerts and
other projects as well). Kevueq is Kevin van Volcem, one of the two forces behind the Cling Film organisation. His untitled mini-CD is the fourth in a series that stands out because of its very beautiful design: the white mini’s are mounted (with a nut and bolt!) on a plexiglass background that has a sticker with the info. Kevueq features three tracks, the first of which is a piece also presented in the Cling Film Installation in Brugge (B) last year. A very well done electronic piece with high tension and great dynamics and some pretty funny text lines from a swedish movie. The second track is a short uptempo rhythmic piece, made with analogue synths, more or less Kevueq’s trademark. This one is almost over before it’s started and a very nice intermezzo. Track three is the one that reconciles the former two: subtle sounds with an occasional rhythm, combining very well with the sparse samples. This track has the most eerie atmosphere of the three and at the same time the most funky.”