Anatomy Of Inner Place

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“Alfredo Costa Monteiro, […] now it’s the inner place, the household objects.” All the sound sources are part of my domestic environment. Every sound is used here as it was recorded with no electronic effects or processing except for dynamics. Some sounds result from acoustic combinations of other sounds”. I am not sure if Monteiro thought of Pink Floyd, who wanted to do a record of household objects, but Monteiro limits himself to apparatus around the house which make a mechanical sound, washing machines, hair driers, coffee grinding – things like that. He cuts all of these sounds together in quite a nice way. Collage like. Sounds start and stop while others continue. Sometimes in a noisy manner, sometimes in an ambient manner, but quite nice. You could wonder if a 3″ CD wouldn’t have been right enough to make the same point, but throughout it’s all quite alright. A sort of much more intellectual noise, whilst also taking the piss out of the field recording posse.“ (FDW)