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For the last few years, the enthusiasts have been enjoying the evolutionary sound creations of CORDELL KLIER (MONSTRARE) and JAMES KEELER (WILT). The first, very often, in his solo adventures, works in a register which one could hail as ‘’dark glitch’’, or a close encounter of the third kind between modern technology and the abyss, as the second builds us sombre sonic monoliths, raw blocks of black bruitist matter and dark lo-fi atmospherics …

It was no doubt that the collision, or fusion, between these two aesthetics tinged with psychotropism was going to give way to a genuine journey, a unique and peculiar epic, in the image of the respective projects of the two creators. There is a natural fit between these projects as both focus on dark mathematical projections. In this monumental production, MONSTRARE feeds us with new-school sonorities as WILT opts for old-school sounds, an it goes without saying that one used the source sound material of the other to crystallize his own visions, and vice versa. Side by side, the intemporal, uncompromising and often arrhythmic sonic fluids secreted here sometimes have a textured minimalistic feel, sometimes reflect a will of nuanced saturation … Here one will easily recognize the traditional ambient and subtle black noise WILT feel, just pushed to the utmost level, with MONSTRARE doing the dark-clicked drone he is renowned for, but in an especially demented way.