La Ciutat Ets Tu

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“Tomasz Krakowiak (b. July 31, 1972, Tarnów, Poland) is a percussionist and composer. During the last few years, Krakowiak has performed and recorded with artists such as Mike Hansen, John Oswald, Ireneusz Socha, Le Quan Ninh, Kaffe Matthews, Mike Snow, Domenico Sciajno, Alessandro Bosetti, Anna Zaradny, Ute Völker, Sophie Angel, Otomo Yoshihide, Phil Minton, Paul Dutton, John Butcher, Gert-Jan Prins, Karlheinz Essl, Pau Torres and others throughout Europe and North America e.g. Musica Genera Festival, Victoriaville FIMAV, AudioArt Festival. Influenced by experimental and electroacoustic practices, Krakowiak’s sounds are explorations of different sonoristic drum qualities. He currently lives in Toronto, Canada.”