Spectral Freight

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„His first major release in over ten years, skozey fetisch’s “spectral freight” utilizes a wide array of sound sources (analogue synth, radio interference, feedback, deconstructed computer test tones, field recordings, even a reworked acapella performance) to create this recording. An interesting aspect of “spectral freight” is the diversity of sounds actually created from the same source–skozey (Mark C. Jackman) favours analogue synth for more than half the tracks on the disc, with a handful actually being reworkings and processing of other tracks on the disc. Isolated, these tracks explore the vast possibilities of the instrument: intense yet subtle drones, sharp, brittle attacks of noise, whimsical snippets of electronic chaos, pulsating battles between frequencies. However, all tracks are equally at home on the disc; whether it’s a field recording of a subway trip in Japan that blossoms into an electronic wash of sound before reaching its destination, or treated computer tones that make you feel like mechanical ferrets are playing tag in your inner ear, “spectral freight” is a cohesive and diverse display Jackman’s talent, and a welcome release after a long silence.”