Infinite Flowers

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“In 2003, Japanese electronic steel pan artist Yoshio Machida produced his third album and called it Infinite Flowers. The second release for Machida’s amorfon label, it featured musical collaborators Tetsuro Yasunaga (co-founder of the electro-acoustic ensemble Minamo) and guitarist Fourcolor (Keiichi Sugimoto). Machida, who operates steel pan, steel guitar, and Max/MSP electronics, uses silence and sound in a skilled and sensitive manner that is commensurate with his innovative achievements in what he calls photobatik. His highly evolved poetic sensibilities and a free application of the principles he employs as a visual artist greatly enhance this botanically inspired set of audio-realizations. Specifically, he sought to introduce a sound environment created by “partials of sound assembling to form the whole texture.” “Namaqua,” presented in four movements, is named after South Africa’s Namaqua National Park, a world-renowned wildflower habitat located some 495 km north of Capetown. “¡Hana Mambo!” is a joyous processional laced with gnomic vocal intrusions. Combined organic metallic percussion and ethereal/eccentric electronics result in pleasantly trippy music of great imaginative depth.”