Geologists And Professional Tourists Vol. 2

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“When this compilation came out in late 2002, almost three years after the first volume, the situation in Russia had changed significantly. The loosely defined target of audio research of these compilations – the repressed, ”forgotten” Soviet legacy – was now being rehabilitated, and the old State symbols, such as the Soviet National Anthem had been reinstated. With this as a backdrop and despite track titles like ”Cobblestone Is the Weapon of the Proletariat” or ”A Fistful of Fingers”, Aaron Robertson from The Sound Projector magazine was probably right when he wrote: ”It’s all decidedly low-key stuff; nobody makes any sort of grand statement, but just gets on with getting on. (…) Many of the artists involved seem to be busy creating self-sustaining worlds of sound, almost hermetically sealed against outside intrusion.” Or as Richardas Norvila aka Benzo explained in the accompanying notes to his track (texts by each artist were published on the website of N&B Research Digest): ”For me this track is like a social object presented as an audio piece, which expresses the feeling of being in Russia in the 70’s and knowing how your or somebody else’s voice is placed in a closed room and how it step by step destroys itself while banging on invisible doors.”