Das Sein Des Seins

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Debut CD by this new great exoterica German duo!
This is the end result of a mix between Satanism & Mystic, Ambient & Noise, Industrial & Electro experimentalism!
The title of this work “The be of being” (Das Seins des Seins, all texts are in German language!) shows that we are talking about a milestone for all “free thinkers”!
Through the tracks you will find the endless loop story of an Angel that is continuously chased by darkness.
In each culture & his mythology is described a fight between good & bad, Divinus Baal & Runa are representing with this work the possibility to mix different possibilities onto one sound!
In fact the sounds are developing from a worm relaxing atmosphere, slowly into a cold & warning kaos! From holy light to satanic darkness! From ambient textures to beating noise!