Humming Bird Feeder, Ver 0.2

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“A fine release from one of the finest independent purveyors of adventurous music and sound, tinctured with an artistic and sociological bent. This recording is based on an audio/visual installation for the Diapason Gallery in NYC by Stephen Vitiello, entitled the Hummingbird Feeder, with remix versions by producers Inoue and Deutsch. There are no actual track titles on this album per se, rather confusing keyboard symbols. Tracks “One,” “Four” and “Five” have natural forest sounds, like birds chirping and animal movements put through filters and delays, thus creating an eerie haunted forest atmosphere. Tracks “Two” and “Three” have keyboard sounds but are put through a loop and filtering sequence that instils a very psychedelic and trance-like atmosphere. The concept behind this ambient recording is simple, and Inoue and Deutsch took a fun and enjoyable approach to what could have been a more demanding, or an even dull, listen.”