It’s Good To Be On A Well Run Ship

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Exactely two years after the disaster with Russian submarine Koersk, the album ‘It’s good To Be On A Well Run Ship’ by Dutch group Smalts is released. It’s dedicated to those who died and in support of the those left behind. Musically Smalts move between The Residents, Brian Eno, Harry Partch, John Lee Hooker, Brian Eno, Residents, Minny Pops, Heiner Goebbels, Terry Riley, Lee Perry and Minny Pops, as a soundtrack to a film by Serjey Paradzjanov.
It has been quiet for Smalts in the last twenty years. The band was formed in 1982, right after the release of the Minny Pops album ‘Sparks In A Dark Room’. Minny Pops members Wim Dekker and Pieter Mulder work together on instrumental music, at first to be the basis of new Minny Pops songs, but soon it became clear they worked on their own sound. The two musicians become a quartet, together with drummer Rubin Oates and Minny Pops soundman Zip Boterbloem. In this line up they still exist. Smalts released a couple of pieces on compilation cassettes and LP’s (such as the legendary ‘Radionome’ LP) and a 12″ for Plurex, entitled ‘Werktitels’ (to be re-issued later this year with other Minny Pops material on the UK LTM label).

Then things became quiet; Wim Dekker founded Moskwood Media (releasing films on video and DVD). Pieter Mulder finishes his study Musicology at the Amsterdam University and since then plays ethnic instruments. Rubin Oates and Zip Boterbloem continue studio work and computer technology.

Currently Smalts is recording classical minimal music compositions by people as Terry Riley and a pure intonation piece inspired by Harry Partch