Songs From The Sea Of Love

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“Celebrating those crazy Vacuum Boys and their entry into the Rock n’ Roll scene. Just when die-hard Vacuum Boys fans thought the zany shenanigans were finished with “The Vacuum Boys and the Mystery of the Old Mill” — what do you know! A new adventure! This time, The Vacuum Boys take on the powers of the unknown and strange to unravel new tales of suspense and intrigue.

The New Vacuum Boys CD is a full-length CD featuring the absolute highest-quality groovy tunes, and introducing – genuine rock’n’roll! In addition to including the latest mystery “The Vacuum Boys and the Secret of the Haunted Spanish Galleon – Chapter One: The Trap is Set” the CD includes exclusive Vacuum Boys Fan Club Offers, high quality music suitable for all age-groups, original artwork and design by Meeuw and much, much more!!

The Vacuum Boys Play Songs from the Sea of Love is completely recorded in two sessions in early February 2002 in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.”