Sparks Series s1*s8p*s8

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Stéphane Claude is an electronic acoustic composer and sound engineer. His research integrates conceptual and physiological frameworks of audio recording for sound installations and performances. His interests are in the communication of physical and formal aesthetics as transductive experiences, through the exploration of digital signal processing, parameters of acoustics and sound in spaces. Ælab crystallizes their interest for an ecological awareness in the use of technology, as echoed in the arts, sciences, philosophies and shamanic traditions. Their work is shown internationally.

Sparks is a modular video series comprised of 5 video capsules which finds its inspiration in the life of visionary inventor Nikola Tesla (1856-1943). Sparks mixes documentary facts within a larger experimental genre with shifting perspectives which include interviews, autobiographical texts, animations, archival sources, metaphorical interpretations and original sound design.