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Sam Auinger and Rupert Huber, together Berliner Theorie, came to radio art and thus to art radio in their own way: Sam Auinger 1988 – at that time together with Werner Pepper part of the group SWAP – was one of the first to realize that art radio meant a special way of working, distribution and reception by the listener. And few years later, Rupert Huber in the Souterrain office of the art radio in the Viennese radio house and announced that he was ready to make (also) radio art.

Both, SAM Auinger and Rupert Huber, became in the course of years involved with many different projects and thus they are important engines of art radio and extended of course nowadays to the internet.

Even while the two are such different characters, Sam Auinger and Rupert Huber, they also feel they should be working together and with others. They take out small characteristics out of their usual context, connect them to others and thus create a hybrid of contexts, spaces in their own poetic way. It turns out to be a research of media. They don’t ask themselves, for example, why internet has a bad sound quality, but they search the right sort of sounds to the internet (and keeping in mind real audio was used for speech, ie communication)

When Berliner Theorie moved to Berlin, they wanted to organise concerts, invite guests as part of their DAAD scholarship. But so much has happened in different cultural, real & virtual and geographic situations that their practice became theory and their theory is an extension of their practice.

Every concert, how small it is, is a manifestation of the work done, but sheds only partly light of what possibilities there are. This new CD can very well be by itself, but it can be your starting point for a discovery of a whole new world.