Sonida Silla – Public Humiliation

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“Uum was a noise project I did with this guy I met in Escondido who fancied himself as an artist. Not many people were into this kinda shit back then around here so we did this project together. I had to teach him what a delay pedal was lol. This album is credited as being “Vinyl Communications’ worst selling release of all time”.
Long ass CD, for fans of Merzbow, Hanatarash, Boredoms, Full of Hell, etc.”

1. Speaker Test Number One
2. Labia Phase / Fallopianlycra Test Strip Strategy Guide
3. Looking For A Blanket Behind An Arcade Game With A Hammer
4. Pert Minus
5. Crushing The Dove
6. Bring Me The Head Of The San Francisco Art Student
7. Queen For A Day
8. Village Idiot In The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death
9. Bleach
10. Puto Socialé