Channel Frequency

Artist: Crowne
Label: Cindie
Format: CD
SKU: 28176 Categories: ,

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Rory Thun – guitar & vocals
James Underwood – guitar
Mirek Lenart – bass
Marcin Lach – drums
Sebastian Simmich – keys, effects, sounds, shakers
Chris Dellacher – strings & keys

All songs written by Rory Thun
Recorded & engineered by James Underwood
Mixed by Sebastian Simmich

Here comes the brand new face of indie rock – Crowne, a four-piece band from the Channel Island of Jersey.

Started in 2008, they released two EP`s “Nothing Can Stop Us Now” and “The Walls Are Coming Down” in 2009 and became one of the most anticipated acts in the Channel Islands.

In England their music is described as The Island Sound as Crowne combine melodic rock with indie but always surprise listeners with something new and different to other bands from the UK.

This new material is almost 50 minutes of energetic fresh rock – rock’s dead? Who said so?