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“85 x 45 mm Flickbook all black and white. Business cards are status objects, are used to identify with the company and whatever form from hierarchies. They once served as visiting cards. They are given to the servant, who passed it to the master of the house. In Japan the are still passed with an awesome bow. In the middle ages there were orders, later guilds and fraternities. Today, there are trade Unions, professional association and social networks like Xing, Facebook or LinkedIn. The true contacts are career accelerator and door opener. In politics, art, culture and media industry the doors without contacts are often closed.

This book helps the reader to make and build contacts. These business cards are based on ten years excessive networks and are a selection of key decision makers and multipliers. This book is an art project, political statement, phone prank template, a perfect gift. Depending on your perspective and depends on how you use it.”