Mots Slow

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Mots Slow will appear every year, one day before the previous issue. The first issue will be published on the first of December 2013, the second the 30th of November 2014 etc. The last issue will be published on the 30th of November 2358. The date mirroring 1648, the year in which the Russian explorer Simon Dejnev discovered the Bering Strait.

Dominique Brancher. Marie Laure Dagoit. Daniel Fels. Barbara Fourneret. Alessandro De Francesco. Renaud Helena. Sophia Janatti. Michel Jeanneret. Lola Karsenti. Elisa Millier. Stéphane Montavon. Vaho Muskheli. Frédéric Tinguely. Slaven Waelti, thank you !
These Artists, Writers, Scientifics answered this question: Which one of the two of us, looks like the most the other?

See you soon less one day.

/Limited edition prints numbered, 130 ex/Silk screenprint/Both side/3 colors/70 cm x 100 cm/ 120 gr/Folded/Trilingual, GB, FR, DE/12.2013. Berlin/