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“”Privileged” provides peerless entertainment for an aficionado of the extreme. 13 counts of blunt mental traumas exclaimed in a form both vulgar and elegant- entrancingly toying with nauseating (a)symmetry.
Two bass guitars battling for dominance in ecstasy.
Two drums painstakingly conducting a beat of frenzied violence; be it militaristic vignettes or full-on grinding.
Two vocals topping each other in a death clutch.
A high-speed thrash noise/ moribund no-wave triumph; freaks into early NAPALM DEATH/ SWANS/ WHITEHOUSE- recognize!”

A1. The Bitch
A2. Hit Hit High
A3. Shoot The Body, Keep The Hat
A4. Kill
A5. Shut Your Mouth II
A6. Short Kumming
A7. 28 Kuntz Later
A8. Short Cumming
A9. Sweet Child Of Yours
A10. Forced Genital Abcess
A11. Selfish
A12. Master Race Bater
B1. Cummunist
B2. Your Rope