Hop Dedik

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“Years before Baris and even before the fame of Erkin Koray, Erol’s flamboyant outfits and spontaneous behaviour brought a youthful, pop–oriented world to Turkish audiences. Here’s his first proper album from 1976.

While not exactly psychedelic, Erol’s album shows how far the mix of Anatolian melodies and Western production could reach and you can find here some great examples of Turkish pop spiced with psych, disco and funk.

Includes insert with photos and liner notes by Angela Sawyer.”


Oldu Olacak – Dandini – Bile Bile Lades – Sen mi O mu – Öyle mi Böyle mi – Güz Sarkisi – Saka Maka Derken – Hop Dedik – Hep Sen Varsin – Civciv Çikacak Kus Çikacak – Dedim Dedi – Sevgiye Tutsak