Hörtexte Zwei – Radio Texts Two

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“Ferdinand Kriwet (1942, Düsseldorf, Germany) is a German visual and audio artist who has produced films and sound works for radio and television, in particular throughout the 1960’s and 1970’s.

As a sound artist, Kriwet is more known for his Hörspiele (radioplays) series named Hörtexte (radio texts) produced for German public radio stations and composed with edited sound bites taken from mass media broadcasts.”

Rundscheibe Nr. XII (1963)
A1. Offen 11:20
A2. Into Your Life There Will Come Friends 1:59
Rundscheibe Nr. III (1961)
B1. Hörtext I 15:57
B2. Again And Again 0:42
Rundscheibe Nr. XIV (1963)
C1. Rotoradio (Teil 1) 19:19
Rundscheibe “Jo Ach Im Ich Ael” (1963-64)
D1. Rotoradio (Teil 2) 18:43