Performing Sunday 7:30

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“Recorded two months after 9/11, Performing Sunday 7:30 pits two Boston improvisers on two different pipes: Gross takes radical technique to the saxophone; Tonne does the same with vocals. It’s a deliberate, turtle-paced improvisation with wind brought through the artists’ respective pipes in long phrases. A high pitch serves as home base where both Tonne and Gross periodically return, and each draws heavily from the sonic palette of the other: Gross’ breathy gusts occasionally break into tone and Tonne’s frantic, clipped melodies cut around, sometimes approximating a saxophone’s squawk. The duo interacts, sure, but in listening it’s as if you’re led, blindfolded, through a studio where they’re making a sculpture. You know both are working on the same thing – the challenge is figuring out how. At times they go so far as to fuse their pipes to create a single, cathartic, ungodly voice. And, in a feat of synchronicity, opponents and supporters of gay marriage in Boston chanted “Jesus Christ” and “Equal Rights” simultaneously during the writing of this review to create a single cry. A whole new way to say Amen.”