Astra And Knyst

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“Voks aka Mikkel Moir Pihl from Copenhagen, Denmark is a household name on Dekorder, being signed to the label since its inception six years ago. Though keeping a low profile with only two 3″CD releases in all these years he won over some dedicated fans such as the late John Peel, who shortly before his death played a different Voks track every week for several weeks in a row.

Now Voks is finally presenting his first full-length album (though only 30 minutes long this is epic in Voks’ universe – both 3″CD’s included 10 tracks each within 20 minutes). While keeping his trademark style of hyperactive and nervous high-pitched twisted pop songs a new born interest in (italo-western) movie soundtracks seems to be evident. The sound of super fast surf guitars is colliding with what seems Chinese opera samples, world music is combined with children’s whistling tunes. Think Raymond Scott, Joe Meek, Ennio Morricone or Carl Stalling collaborating with the Residents and then getting an 8-bit remix by the Aphex Twin. A surprising & amazing record, really! It will leave a huge grin on your face (and a few question marks as well)….”

A1. Astra
A2. Krat
A3. Kinak
A4. Pistol
A5. Papirmekanik
A6. Kakla
B1. Tromle
B2. Kreds
B3. Klap Dingdot
B4. Okse
B5. Tonkmaskine
B6. Knyst