Eins Zwo Drei Vier

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“After Jungle Music by Volker Hormann (Happy Zloty 003), the Bremen label presents one of its beautiful screen-packed 7” EPs with avant-garde guitar music. The free jazz guitarist Olaf Rupp works with much more abstract sound concepts than his colleague Hormann. If, according to Rupp, he wants to evoke a “virtual sound” beyond the guitar tones, which he layers on top of each other in great density and speed, this makes most sense to me at three, where, despite the high degree of abstraction, there is a phase shift from one sound atmosphere to another. One and two are too short and sketchy for me to be able to discover anything behind the sound surface. The long piece four on the B-side gives the concept of the virtual a completely different twist: here, representative of another important strand of Rupp’s work, guitar tones are questioned and transformed by electronic means, but remain in traces as guitar tones – but could also be something completely different. A beautiful ambient meditation that raises the question of how the (virtual?) It is also important to note that there is a space between sound and noise.”

200 copies with inserted silkscreen cover.

A1. Eins
A2. Zwo
A3. Drei
B1. Vier