Free World

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“This is the first instalment of the Part Two of Launch Pad series, made by Talibam! and it’s called “Free World”. The Launch Pad series was created by Talibam! to explore new sound relationships in the digital world. Using recent album releases by contemporary artists as the launching pad, Talibam! feels inspired to paint and mould their music into a new species, blurring the lines between inconspicuous and conspicuous consumption/appropriation. Part 1 of the Launch Pad series is to improve an album by a contemporary artist by improvising on top of it using live instruments, midi, electronics, tape manipulation and then to release this composite dialogue. In Part 2 of the Launch Pad series, they filter their improvisations from of the composite, and use that material to lightly tweak and make a new sonic environment – a cultural improvement over the artist’s original work by directly engaging with it through corporeal interpretation rather than mere psychical interpretation. Musically speaking – but the aim is not merely musical – one of the main goal’s of the Launch Pad series is to create new ways of making and creating music, and to arrive at musical landscapes that they may not have stumbled on before. With the Launch Pad series, an audience can listen to the music but also listen to the process on the way to creating the final album.”