Enfin Repos

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“Enfin repos (A side) has been created in january 2019 in Marseille, France, except Larmes d’huile that was produced in november 2018
and initially audible at the Flaine Art Center in Jean-Damien Charmoille’s solo exhibition « Retours au non-lieu ».

Liar episodes (Bonus side), collect some of the first Simili Gum’s songs. They were published in may (Liar) and july 2018 (Liar pt. 2).
The seven songs were written and recorded between november 2017 and february 2018 in Lyon and New York.”

A1. Javel 2:19
A2. Merci 2:25
A3. Terre plate 3:30
A4. Science TV 2:58
A5. Larmes d’huile 2:07
A6. Sable moovant 3:25
A7. VENT! 1:40
A8. BB Rousse 1:04
A9. J’oublie demain 3:18
B1. une liqueur un dessert 2:35
B2. Baby in me 2:58
B3. 90’+5 2:53
B4. Caillou 3:58
B5. last chartreuse 1:37
B6. GPS doute 1:53
B7. Soluble 2:37
B8. ? 1:44