Aftermath Quietudes

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“The Wooden Body is a cooperative project between string players Matt Howden (Sieben), Jo Quail, Katt Hernandez, Liam Morrissey, and producer and experimental musician Per Åhlund.

Using recordings from these four excellent string players, Per Åhlund has created an album that blurs the borders of wooden acoustic and voltaic sounds.

Each track features one of the musicians on Cello or Violin, and are filtered through software and effects to create four rather diverse soundscapes. All of which flow through melancholy, sadness and- at times- desperation, but also tranquillity, calm and hope.”

A1. Without A Trace 13:06
A2. Lower Us Down 10:49
B1. The Scavengers 13:51
B2. From Afar 11:30