天天想你 我的未來不是夢 I Miss You Every Day, My Future Is Not A Dream

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張雨生 Chang Yu Sheng (a.k.a. Tom Chang) 天天想你 我的未來不是夢 I miss you every day, my future is not a dream
Released originally 1988.
“Let the true love be like a piece of white paper
No matter how many things have happened, under our warm gaze, it will always feel like we just met each other”

A1. 大海 The Ocean
A2. 口是心非 Duplicity
A3. 還是朋友 Still friends
A4. 玫瑰的各字 Rose’s Words
A5. -夭到晚遊泳的魚 The fish that swims from dawn to dusk
A6. 我的未來不是夢 My future is not a dream
B1. 天天想你 I miss you every day
B2. 最愛的人傷我最深 The person I love hurts me the most
B3. 我期待 I look forward to
B4. 愛做夢的孩子 The dreaming child
B5. *
B6. 我是一顆秋天的樹 I am an autumn tree