Zhang Qiang De Ge

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A1. 想思河畔 Thinking of the Riverside 3:01
A2. 第一次见到你 The first time I saw you 2:59
A3. 离你越远越想你 The farther I am from you, the more I miss you 3:01
A4. 你不要再來 Don’t come again 3:17
A5. 迟到 Late 2:57
A6. 忘了我是谁 Forgot Who I Am 2:23
A7. 怎么能够 How can 3:05
B1. 青春多美妙 How wonderful youth is 2:31
B2. 他不明白 He doesn’t understand 2:30
B3. 是你是我 It’s You and Me 2:49
B4. 不ー样 Different 3:09
B5. 在金色的晚霞中 In the golden sunset 3:56
B6. 假如 If 3:20
B7. 暗隆马利隨 Dark Long Marley followed 2:35