Artefacts 00

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Three tracks project by lws, arnica montana and tummy setting up the musical architecture of ℜ?????_???????.

Each track is a personal and symbolical interpretation of the three usable artefacts that will be presented in ℜ?????_???????’s digital world : the key, the gate and the musical crumb.

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The indiscreet key
sweeps up the most
intimate secrets
She reveals what is hidden
and immediately disappear
after being used

??? ????

Strange portal,
A little too dazzling,
And pretentious.
No one dares to complain,
It is such pleasure
to travel with it

??? ??????? ?????

Lost at the end of a path,
Little crumbs of music.
Put them together,
They produce
A delicious melody.
Be careful though,
Follow the recipe carefully
Not to obtain an
indigestible composition.

The release is a following to ??????_??????? : Berlin, Chapter Zero, an exhibition at Gelegeheinten, Berlin. The sounds met their Physical alter ego : a sound installation alongside three physical works from other artists.

Mastering by Lorenzo Targhetta
Illustration by Martin Duthey
Graphic design by Cecilia Murgia

Limited to 50 copies.