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“Mâäk’s Spirit meets South-African spoken word artists in a collaborative musical project. Project started in august 2004 in Johannesburg. Recording of album during first week of august 2004 in superb old SABC’s studio M5.
Record released by Nefertiti in January 2008.

Together with, or for the occasion of the release of our record “Stroke”, we are planning a live-performance tour february 2008. We are heading for a scenographed performance. A performance in which we are going to strive for a natural proposition of the different media world-sound-light-space… a direct approach!
Although scenographed we are heading for an “in the box” “carry-on” “light” set-up which can fit in a normal van and can be set-up easily within a few hours before show time by our technician.
Although scnenographed we are not excluding the possibility to play this play or share our work on almost any stage. The only limitation inherent to our work would be that we need to have a closeness to the public for both reasons of intimacy of intention/content and “unplugged” sound.”