Red Rose For The Sinking Ship

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“Red rose for the sinking ship, released at the same time as two more works of Jeff Gburek, virtuous circles on a question of re-entry and murmurs, then, grains of drought / ore sought in the seeker’s hand on con-v, informally constitutes a sonic essay about Mao Zedong’s (1893-1976) leadership of the chinese revolution, for fifty years until his death.
In the composer’s own words, the title takes arcane essence… red is a kind of a sympathetic individual who loves people. in his own boat he sees the sinking ship. isolated and lonely, he thinks – even on a sinking ship – he may find what he needs. the sinking ship will leave behind survivors, more appreciative of simple human care…. words deliver a spectral meaning that Jeff Gburek is chasing after… rose could even be treated as the verb to row / he rows or the noun a row / the rows…”