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“The field recordings of « F.Guyana » have been realized in the forests and the costal regions of French Guiana between the dry season and the « little rainy season » (November/December 2014, 2015 and 2016.”

1. Awala
2. Crique Popote, Rhinella Marina
3. Crique Popote, Cacicus Cela
4. Pics Et Colibris, Woodpeckers And Hummingbirds
5. Boeuf Mort, Dark Night
6. Kaw Mountain, Manucus Manucus
7. Petit Saut, Ara Chlroropterus
8. Forest Drones
9. Kaw Mountain, Post-explosive Breeding
10. Crique Douille, Arada
11. Caribbean Inspiration