Violent Clash Between

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Is: Hironori Murakami

Of the very many demo tapes received at Dicky’s Skull ( hot air hq and micro-studio ) not many so much as raised an eyebrow and if they did they where ( barring one argentinian gent ) invariably from Japan, home of extremes and source of more than half our sales. Hot Air policy ( for the brief period it was affordable ) was to seek out things worth releasing and to focus on people that in the main would not get supported elsewhere and certainly nothing that sounded S,H & Walkmanish, demo submissions seemed at the time to be such a ‘needy’ thing to be doing and never made it onto the intermittent release schedule.
This Vomit Lunchs guy is the one exception and what an exception, from the first 1 minute his self described “para-para-manga style” * collage vortex spewed out of the 1970’s KEF’s I was adamant THIS was the next release. A week or so later when rough artwork had been found and I was sitting on the pebble beach in Brighton nursing a post-gig hangover and bruises from sleeping on Cristian Vogels sofa – idly chatting to Jamie Lidell about Reel to Reel tape recorders it came from nowhere.. a three inch cd is just too modest a format for this release, after all Mr Lunchs himself had drawn his own ( impossible ) ambition for this release in his demo letter/cartoonstrip… ie: for it to be pressed on a vinyl record literally 1 inch thick! no manufacturing plant in the world could cater for that but the cover image I had taken of banana and pineapple fritters frying in hot fat ( the label would be rechristened to that name just for this one release ) .. well it was super colourful and most importantly completely circular.. perfect for the first (and last ) picture disk released on Hot Air….er…Fat.
Of course, my concept of ‘desirability’ and the rest of the worlds wants and needs are not necessarily cozy bedfellows. There is still a good few of the 10″ picture disk vinyl left in the archive and a very small amount of 3″ cds of this release. If you want one, contact Hot Air through the bandcamp message thing and It can be arranged. Bare in mind that posting vinyl from uk abroad is not getting any cheaper.
* ” para-para-manga style ” = Mr Lunchs technique is basically a form of music concrete audio animation flickbook, each sound equivalent to a flick book page with the pages firing rapidly at the listener, persistence of vision creating the effect of a ‘moving’ composition. He drew some cartoons to illustrate, all I can say is that it clearly relates to [ was influenced by? ] some of the early Stock, Hausen & Walkman collage techniques but with such frenetic energy it’s hard for any listener, however experienced an ear, to discern how much of the material is ‘found’ and how much generated by Mr Lunchs himself. No need to ponder too long on that.. just sit back and let this greasy frying pan of audio bricolage swipe you insistently around the head for 20 minutes then try telling me Tex Avery wouldn’t approve!

1. Thank You Disco Beat Mix
2. S.COM Mix
3. Ear Dot Mix
4.トータル Mix
5. Excerpt From Air Huge One + ダイナマイトHRC-007-2 + I.P.W. Cassettes 1
6. Excerpt From Air Huge One + ダイナマイトHRC-007-2 + I.P.W. Cassettes 2
7. Excerpt From Air Huge One + ダイナマイトHRC-007-2 + I.P.W. Cassettes 3
8. Excerpt From Air Huge One + ダイナマイトHRC-007-2 + I.P.W. Cassettes 4
9. Excerpt From Air Huge One + ダイナマイトHRC-007-2 + I.P.W. Cassettes 5
10. Original Mix