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Ken Waxman says:
“…the showpiece is the more than 40-minute “Distinction 1”, in which between elongated silences, the two utilize all parts of their mouths, embouchure, and throats to secure unique sound waves. Hissing air explosions, lip osculation, and bell-like rattles are just one part of the rubato explorations. Tag-teamed, one or the other frequently seems to be spraying nasal tones while the other produces higher-pitched tremolo timbres. At one point ferocious growls and percussive vibrations from the trumpeter lead the saxophonist to turn mouthpiece pops and tongue suction into bubbling capillary grace notes. Expansive oxygen-like gulps from both that appear in round robin fashion are succeeded by door hinge-like squeaks from one and swelling iron pipe-like expansion from the other.

In truth, telling a particular Dörner mouthpiece-forced breath from a Denley reed-vibrated one can be difficult. Together with extended and original techniques, the two seem to be regurgitating the history—and pre-history—of brass bands in single breaths. Throughout, they emphasize the similarities and differences between metal-plated horns with tongue gymnastics, bell-muting contortions, sibilant intonation, and circular breathing. As layered pulses appear in double counterpoint from goose neck, lead pipes, and body tubes, additional echoes and tongue pressure introduce slurring obbligato and air-leaking hisses that finally turn into insect buzzing polyphony.”