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“the source recordings for .murmer were all taken during my first six months as a resident of the city of london. hence they document my exploration and discovery of a new home, as well as of a new medium. i purchased my first recorder and microphone upon arrival here, and began exploring their possibilities alongside exploring the city. however, these sounds are not a portrait of a location; i made no attempt to map a geography. they are more personal. many originate from within my private space (the refrigerator and grill provided in a bedsit; the wind through an apartment window) and all are tied strongly to my personal movements (the air vent on my local bus, the heater in my place of work). what ties them together is that they are all new sounds, for me as well as (hopefully) for my listener, that caught me unawares and demanded to be given attention. that is what i have attempted to do. originally released on cdr by bake records (netherlands) in 2002.”