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Recorded on and off between March 1997 and March 1998. Remixed in November 1998. “R. Sundin is the guy behind Bad Kharma and this is the first release under his own name. Bad Kharma is the noisier of the two projects, but already shows a strong interest in working with sound (and not only noise). This CD contains 5 tracks (all 6 – 8 minutes) of pure musique concrete. Excellent environmental recordings merge with sneaky scratching and clawing on wood and other materials and (especially over the headphone) evoke a sense of
space that is sometimes very dreamy and sometimes downright unnerving. The compositions are strong, surprising and well structured and, although a lot of different sound material is used, the CD as a whole sounds very coherent. There are excellent breaks at moments you wouldn’t expect them and now and then it’s possible to just dream away on gentle drones (but never too long to lose one’s attention). This music has been made with a lot of concern for time and detail, without drifting off anywhere. This one definitely holds a promise for the future.” (MR)