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Grkzgl (pronounced ‘grak-siggle’), once known under various other names, comes from many horizons at the same time. Influenced by the post-industrial universe as well as the minimal or noisy avant-garde, Grkzgl strings 6 pieces together, which represent so many micro-adventures, interrelated and presented in an uninterrupted fashion, the whole forming an entity driven by multiple jolts. His ingredients? Spacious ambiences, cracklings originating from everywhere and nowhere, short-circuits, underlying humming, psychoactive noise …one already feels, upon the first moments, the presence of each of the many sound components which will compose this mini-album. Except that in the very beginning, each one goes its own way …and very soon, the unison happens, all particles and corpuscles meet with each other and, in concert, all those elements lay the foundations, terribly structured and chaotic at the same time, of a universe that is whacked-out but full of a constant lucidity and direction. The various preferred sound sources of the artist are, of course, triturated and recycled in a peculiar way, resulting in organic abstractions that are carefully thought out, evocative, evolutionary and saturated.