Discard Hidden Layers

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“Discard hidden layers? is what photoshop asks when you´re about to unwittingly delete invisible picture-layers. One may ask what this connotation has in common with the music of Hughes/Scherzberg/Wiese. Listening to the album, it is easy to understand that they are in fact dealing with quite some many layers of sound information, directly or abstractly.
A trio based in Hamburg and Berlin, these three musicians have played together for three years now. A very specific group sound has emerged, as well as an optimised technical approach, out of their necessity to find a common language between acoustic and electronic information. The acoustic material that Nicolas Wiese recycles on the computer is exclusively what he records from Lars Scherzberg and John Hughes during the show. This is quite interesting; while improvising on their instruments they are constantly confronted with their electronically alienated reflections.
On a Sunday afternoon in June this year in Berlin, the three gave a live example of this process in the Vivaldi Saal which was to create the basis of their album Discard hidden layers?.
The trio drives this layer game even further on this album – it’s not just a live recording – but a much deeper reflection of their system: instrumental improvisations, information processing, recording practice. In supplemental compositions comprised from selected trio-pieces, Wiese focuses on single aspects of the material; akin to using an acoustic magnifying glass. The concept behind the trio evolves, as we listen. Indeed, hidden layers. Thoroughly embedded in the album, these adaptions skilfully tie in with the live recordings.
Hughes/Scherzberg/Wiese present an almost one hour long album which creates a slick blend of improvisations between three heterogeneously musical voices and artful electronic compositions.”